It is important to ensure that all downlights are installed and maintained correctly to avoid potential fire hazards. If not correctly installed or maintained they can set fire to insulation, wiring, leaf litter or timber which can burn undetected in the roof space above smoke alarms. Rodents, nesting birds and humans moving debris in the roof space are also known to have unintentionally caused fire hazards in the past.
What can you do to prevent a downlight fire in your home?
Always use a licensed electrical contractor and ask to see their Electrical Safety Certificate
Ask a licensed electrical contractor to inspect all downlights and transformers
Ensure a non-combustible or mechanical barrier is installed to prevent insulation or other combustible material covering downlights
Always use fittings and guards that meet Australian Standards
Following any work in your roof space, request your licensed electrical contractor or insulation installer to inspect all downlights and transformers to ensure they are clear of insulation or other combustible material
How to Eliminate Insulation-Based Fire Hazards
The best and safest solution for homeowners or buyers who are considering the purchase of a property is to invest in a thorough Building Inspection. Contact us today to book your Building Inspection.